Family Day Weekend In the last few years, QuadNB was happy to offer non-member Quad enthusiasts an opportunity to “ Ride Free” on the February Family Day weekend. However, for legal reasons, we are unable to respect that commitment this year meaning that on the weekend of February 15 and 16, you will need to […]
For their fundraiser, The Dieppe ATV Club, in partnership with G. Bourque, have tickets to sell for a chance to win a 2024 Kawasaki Ridge Ranch Edition side-by-side, a value of $35,000. The draw will be on February 15, 2025 (or when they have sold 3,000 tickets) COST OF TICKETS: $50 per ticket or 3 […]
Notice Please be advised that Jacques Poirier is no longer the General Manager of the New Brunswick All-Terrain Vehicle Federation (QuadNB). We thank Jacques for his many years of service & dedication in helping the Federation achieve its goals of trail expansion and development, as well as helping people discover that ATVing is a […]
It is our pleasure to announce that two new directors have joined QuadNB. For Region 2, please welcome Léo LeClair from Dundee, NB. In Region 3, please welcome Luc LeBreton from Paquetville, NB.
A forest fire ban is currently in effect for the entire province of New Brunswick. Please click here to see the NB Fire Index and for information on how to report a forest fire Furthermore, we recommend that you use extreme caution if you go riding in the forest during this heatwave. Please follow the […]
The QuadNB family is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Mr. Jean-Guy Cyr. He was a greatly appreciated volunteer who served the cause of the quad industry in the northwestern part of New Brunswick. For a few decades, he served his club, “Club VTT du Nord-Ouest”, passionately and without conditions. We would […]
TRAIL #5001 IS NOW OPEN AGAIN. THANK YOU! ***************************************** MESSAGE FROM RIVER VALLEY ATV CLUB (CLUB #50) TRAIL CLOSURE & REMINDER - RIVER VALLEY ATV CLUB NOTICE OF TEMPORARY TRAIL CLOSURE Please be advised that Trail 5001(Centerville Trail) from Lindsay Rte 550 to Rte 560 will be closed on June […]
June 13, 2024- Hanwell, NB: Just recently, QuadNB approved the application of a new ATV club on a one-year probationary period. Congratulations to the Hampton ATV Club! They are club #59 in Region 8. Contact person: President Mervyn Mullin Email: Phone: (506) 343-4258 Once their probationary period is over, the board […]
The trail that was advertised as closed on June 7, 2024, has since reopened. The closed trails were Trail # 23 on the River Valley ATV Club territory. Thank you.
June 8, 2024 - Miramichi, NB: Mr. Paul Colford, President of the Doaktown ATV Club, and a Director for Region 4, was presented with a certificate of appreciation from QuadNB and the Doaktown ATV Club for his sustained support toward the Quad industry. Mr. Colford, beloved and respected by everyone who has worked with him […]