January 15, 2024

Two week-ends to ride on our trails without a trail permit for a third year in a row.

QuadNB is pleased to announce that for two upcoming weekends, quad enthusiasts will be able to use the managed Quad trail system in New Brunswick without a 2024 trail permit.

The non-members of our Federation will be allowed to use the managed trails on the New Brunswick Family Day long weekend, February 17-19, 2024 and again on the first full weekend in June, 1-2 June, 2024 that is also “Fish Free Weekend”. The Family Day weekend dates showcase the fun of the sport during the long winter months on the trails of one of the 41 clubs in the province that groom or plow the snow for quads. The June dates combine the recreational sport of fishing with the experience of quadding.

Rider eligibility:

  •  Registered quad/side x side
  •  Valid insurance
  •  Agree to follow the Rider’s Code of Conduct on the QUADNB website
  •  Follow the Rules & Regulations for the safety of you and others on the trail
  •  Respect the Off-Road Vehicle Act and the municipal by laws where applicable.
  •  Youth drivers under 16 years old must hold an approved ATV Rider Course certificate and be accompanied by an adult that also holds a ATV Rider Course certificate. (Delivered by QuadNB)

From our president, Eymard Savoie: “QuadNB is pleased to announce that this year's annual 2 Ride-Free experiences will also be showcasing the Federation's 25th Anniversary.  We are very pleased to show off our product from our volunteer clubs and encourage you to take up the offer to exciting new experiences. Quad enthusiasts commonly ask themselves if it’s worth it to become a member as 46% of the New Brunswick quad owners are not a member of one of our 57 clubs. Quadding needs to be discovered by many and our trails offer a large variety of new experiences and every club has something different to offer.”

Almost all of QuadNB clubs have a Facebook page, so quad enthusiasts are invited to check their closest club’s Facebook page for more details. Visit QuadNB’s website under Contact Us + Find a club to identify the closest club.

Contact info:

Jacques Poirier, QuadNB General Manager, 472-5130 (office)

Vance Johnson, QuadNB Trail Coordinator, 476-0905 (cell)

Jacques Ouellette, QuadNB Development Coordinator, 480-0174 (cell)

Our office, QuadNB, 1-888-847-1100 or 472-5130.



Club Admin


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