November 18, 2020

QuadNB supports Public Concern

Listening to the citizens

Many municipalities of the Province are expressing concerns with the illegal operation of quad vehicles on public streets, non-managed trails and on private land owner properties. QuadNB promotes a safe, family outdoor activity to experience many attractions in isolated areas of our Province that can only be reached by quad vehicles. Members of the public and some government officials have expressed concern about the illegal actions of a small number of operators who are tarnishing the image of our family sport.

Service NB reports there are over 50,000 licenced ATV’s in New Brunswick. Therefore, only 25,000 of these owners have purchased a Quad Trail permit that allows them to legally travel on over 9,000 kilometers of approved managed trails and support the maintenance of this trail network. It is estimated there are about 10,000 non-registered quads (ATV), in most instances, are the owners/operators who are creating problems for the vast majority of law-abiding quad riders.

Roger Daigle, President of QuadNB (formerly N.B. ATV Federation) wants the public to know that this organization is listening to the public and is taking action to address the concerns being expressed. “Last year, we conducted numerous safety courses for beginner Quad drivers. We also work closely with different government departments to promote the safety and legal aspects of the Off-Road Vehicle Act. We made several recommendations to Public Safety to increase the Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement on the trails and to ensure compliance of the law and to reduce those illegal activities such as: illegal operation in non-approved areas, not wearing protective helmets, making sure that the vehicle (ATV or side-by-side) is licensed and insured, and providing a Quad Trail Permit when riding on managed quad trails.” stated Roger Daigle. “Many municipalities are working closely with QuadNB and have or are in the process of amending their municipal by-laws to permit ATV’s on their public streets to access lodging, meals and fuel for example. This is a growing sport that contributes millions of dollars not only for tourism, but local businesses and stimulates economic growth of our Province.”

Many operators are not members of their local Club, they are not familiar with the trail system nor the rules they must follow. The behaviour of some of those riders results in a negative image toward QuadNB members. It is a privilege that land owners have granted permission to access their property to link quad trails. All quadders must respect this privilege.

Quad NB wants the public to know they are listening to their concerns and they are working in partnership with other off-road organizations, law enforcement agencies and various levels of government to address the illegal operation of ATV’s across the Province.



Club Admin


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