May 19, 2020

QuadNB launches its new website

Fredericton, May 14, 2020

For immediate release

QuadNB launches its new website

QuadNB is proud to launch its new website With the main purpose to be modern and adaptable to all platforms and smart devices, the new site has been designed from bottom up to be more accessible to tourists and quad sports enthusiasts. Simplified navigation and content allow users to plan their next outings, find safety tips or find clubs and services along the way.

The new interactive trail map allows you to view trail closures in real time,  plan their route with confidence and locate major services along the way. This new mapping system also allows the user to download trail data to their personal GPS device so that they can bring it with them on their ride and/or on mobile app.

"We're excited about our new quad bike website in our beautiful province of New Brunswick," says Roger Daigle, President of QuadNB. "We now have a great tool for our members to explore all parts of the province and to encourage outsiders to come and discover our natural treasures when the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted."

The site is also a must-have source of information for Quad enthusiasts to view the latest news, important updates, event calendar, find a point of sale or a point of service. It also includes recommendations for tourist attractions for all regions of the province. According to QuadNB CEO Jacques Poirier, "We now have a site that contains all the relevant information and users can easily find what they are looking for, buy licences or register their vehicle online or register for a certified quad safety course."

The new site is part of an exercise the New Brunswick All-Terrain Vehicle Federation has undertaken to modernize its brand and enhance quad sport in New Brunswick. Other initiatives that emerged from this strategic planning exercise were the development of the QuadNB brand and the creation of new promotional tools.

About QuadNB

QuadNB has nearly 24,000 members across its 56 clubs. The economic benefits of the sport in the province are estimated to be around $358 million  annually. Clubs invest time and money in the development and maintenance of their trails, not to mention investments in winter trail damage. The Quad trail infrastructure is a major contribution to New Brunswick's tourism industry.


Club Admin


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