May 8, 2020

Message from QuadNB President Roger Daigle

May 8, 2020

Opening of QuadNB Trails

Good day everyone

I just received word that our managed QuadNB trails can now be open again as of today May 8, 2020. Please follow the State of Emergency rules, do not ride in large groups of more than 10 people, do not enter into the shelters and when taking a break keep your distancing of 2 meters / 6 feet apart. If these measures are not met by everyone the manage trails will be closed again. It is up to you to do your part.

Just before the televised speech by our Prime Minister Blaine Higgs, I received an email from minister Carl Urquhart advising me that he had just signed a new mandatory order stating that we were allowed to re-open the managed quad trails as of this afternoon. He and Minister Mike Holland also thanked us for our patience and cooperation during these unprecedented times.

Remember some trails are still closed because of the Spring melt; therefore, check with your clubs to make sure your club’s trails are officially open.

Yours in ATVing,

Roger Daigle, President QuadNB


Club Admin


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